Worldview and Apologetics - Shelly Smyth
Worldview and Apologetics for High School- Taught by Shelly Smyth
This class will help equip students to be able to understand the Christian
Worldview. We will focus on knowing and being able to defend Biblical truths.
The Bible is increasingly under attack from all directions, whether by secular
scholars or those in the Church who try to tie in evolutionary concepts that
aren’t Biblical. Our world is continually calling the accuracy and relevance of the
Bible into question. In this course we will learn important details that can
strengthen students’ confidence in the Bible’s inherent nature and discover how
the Bible proves itself. We will work to encourage students’ faith and prepare
them to defend God’s word. Some key components that we will focus on are:
1. Are there really contradictions in the Bible, and can it be relied upon for
historical accuracy? 2. What is scriptural authority; does it matter? 3. How
does a skeptical world impact your view?
1. How Do We Know the Bible is True? Volumes 1 and 2
2. Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volumes 1 and 2
These are all part of the Apologetics in Action set by Ken Ham
3. The Bible
Other Supplies:
2-inch 3-ring binder
Set of 5 dividers
3-4 colored pens
Spiral notebook (clip it in the rings in the front of the binder)
Loose leaf notebook paper
Tuition is $55 per month (July through April) with a one-time $25 supply/printing
fee due in July. The first payment must include the supply fee.
Tuition is $575 for the year. This can be split into 10 post dated payments of $55
each. (due July 1, 2024 – April 1, 2025). The July payment should include the
$25 supply fee. If you would like to pay by semester, the July 1, 2024 payment
would be $300 and the December 1, 2024 payment would be $275.
Class Registration forms and tuition payments can be mailed to:
Shelly Smyth
8820 Catamaran Way
Montgomery, TX 77316