New schedule will be out by the end of March.


The Training Center assists parents

in educating their children at home.



Classes will meet at Gracepoint Church on Monday, Jan. 20th. 

Classes will not meet at Hope Church on Tuesday Jan. 21st due to the weather report and driving conditions. Each teacher will be in contact with you with instructions for online classes, or if they will use the built in make up day at the end.



Handbook is now online.  You must read and agree to the items covered in the handbook in order to register for classes.


Club Explore and Writing/Lit for 2-3 grades will be at Koinonia Church on 1488, about one mile from Gracepoint.

For general questions concerning The Training Center contact one of the co-directors.

Billie Jo Craig 936-203-2866

Corinne Park 281-770-5964